

洪敬玟 Ching Wen Hung, 李軒瑄 Hsuan Hsuan Lee, 梁容榕 Jung Jung Liang
Analysis of LGBT movie reviews: Words beyond literal meaning
電影已成為現代人生活中不可或缺的存在,作為投射當代文化的媒體之一,揭露社會現實之餘也呈現出特定群體的處境。而觀眾在觀影後寫下的評論,不但能夠直接反映其對於電影的喜惡,更顯現出撰寫者對於特定議題的想法。本研究先選擇13部獲得重大影展獎項,上映時間分布在 1990 年至 2019年的LGBT電影,並擷取電影資料庫網站IMDb (Internet Movie Database) 中,一般觀眾對於上述電影的英文影評為研究資料,將影評依照其電影上映年代、描述族群及劇情內容分類,使用庫博中文獨立語料庫分析工具 (CORPRO) 以及DocuSky數位人文學術研究平台等工具進行文本分析,分析整體影評用字狀況,和不同時代跨度、不同類別電影影評的顯著詞與常用彙。本研究除了希望能夠觀察出觀眾在撰寫影評時是否存在特定習慣,以及不同年代、類型電影影評的異同外,也希望透過影評中使用的詞彙,瞭解觀眾對於同志族群的認知,並從中反思相關社會議題。
本研究發現,儘管影評不存在固定格式,但是觀眾撰寫影評時存在一定敘事架構,例如電影故事情節、電影名稱及電影演員名稱等詞彙,都為影評當中經常被使用的詞彙類型。而本研究也觀察到電影演員名稱出現的頻率高於電影角色名稱,在進一步將電影演員名稱被使用的情境分為描述演員表現、角色扮演、得獎情況,以及借代功能等四類後,其中屬於觀眾主觀認定,描述演員表現的情境最為常見,而直接使用演員名稱描述電影中該角色的行為動作,這種借代功能的出現,也說明觀眾在撰寫影評時,對於電影的回憶很可能來自演員的個人魅力,而非劇本賦予其的角色。在不 同類型電影的部分,若以劇情作為分類,本研究發現影評能夠反映出不同劇情內容,例如fun、comedy 較常出現在喜劇類型電影影評當中;若依照描述族群分類,將男同性戀電影和女同性戀電影影評相比較,本研究發現除了gay跟lesbian外,觀眾會很直接的以homosexuality指稱男男間的愛情,但對於女女間的愛情卻會以couple、relationship、affair這些比較不直觀的詞來表示。

Movies are indispensable to modern people, for movies can not only reflect contemporary culture but also present the circumstances of specific communities of people while making disclosures of real life. In addition to directly reflect the audiences’ feelings towards the movies, reviews written by audience can also show their thoughts on specific issues. This study extracts reviews of thirteen award-winning LGBT movies which were released from 1990 to 2019 on IMDB. The reviews are categorized according to their year of release, gender roles and plots, using CORPRO and DocuSky to conduct textual analysis. This study proposes to analyze narrative structures through common words in reviews and determine whether there are similarities and differences among reviews under different releasing year, or different styles of movie. Besides, this study also aims to uncover the audiences’ perspectives towards the LGBT community through the words used in reviews.
Overall, this study shows that the audiences have certain narrative structures when writing reviews, and that words used in reviews can not only help us identify different types of movies, but also show the audiences’ and even the society’s attitude and change of views towards LGBT-related issues. When people write movie reviews, vocabulary related to the storyline, movie title, and casts are all frequently used. This study also observed that the use of casts’ name appeared more frequently than the names of the movie characters. After analyzing how movie reviews mention the casts’ names, there are four situations: description of cast performance, description of role-playing, description of awarded, and synecdoche functions.Among them, description of cast performance is the most common situation to be used. Also, the use of the actors’ or actress’s names to describe the behavior of the characters in the movie, called synecdoche, show that the audiences’ impression on the movie is likely to come from the charisma of the actors or the actresses themselves, rather than the role given by the script. Regarding the different types of movies’ reviews, this study finds that reviews can reflect the content of different plots and description of gender roles. For example, fun and comedy appears more often in the review of a Comedy, while love and romance appears commonly in the review of a Romance. By comparing gay movie reviews with lesbian movie reviews, results showed that in addition to gay and lesbian, audiences would refer to love between a men and men by homosexuality, but tends to use relatively words such as couple, relationship, and affair for love between women and women.
In addition, this study also finds that the frequency of vocabulary related to family composition has increased year by year. For example, the use of the word ”family”, has shifted from dispute of gender identity with original family to the warm interaction with family. This phenomenon also reflects that the development of LGBT related-issues, from fighting for their rights in 1990s to the process of legalization of gay marriages in various countries in recent years.
